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3 min read
Why Meeting Structure Matters
Nobody likes meetings. Many people feel most of the meetings they attend could’ve been an email. They lacked direction and resolved little to nothing. It feels as though the team meets just to meet. So, when we at Journey Alliance, insist that...
4 min read
What is The Point of Coaching?
Business owners struggle with blind spots. We all do. Coaching provides support by offering fresh perspectives and insights that owners might miss because they're too close to the problem. These resources help owners balance their workload,...
3 min read
Overcoming Forecasting Challenges in Business: A Strategy for Identifying and Addressing Blind Spots
Blind spots have a significant impact on a business’s ability to predict challenges. Fixing this issue requires interconnected understanding, effective communication, and strategic planning to enhance forecasting abilities. Inability to Forecast...
2 min read
Exit Readiness: Why It Matters at Every Stage
Preparing for exit not only positions a company for a successful future sale but also enhances current operational efficiency, strategic decision-making, and team strength, supporting overall growth and resilience. Think Ahead When you launched your...
3 min read
A Missed Opportunity: Manager Development
Neglecting the development of managers is a high stakes game. Developed managers contribute to improved team performance, higher employee engagement, and overall business success The Cost of Poor Leadership A great leader can turn a team around....
3 min read
The Power of Role Clarity: Creating an Unstoppable Team
There are many potential causes for a lack of clarity within a team. A lack of role clarity is a frequent culprit. A collaborative role design process enhances efficiency, engagement, and alignment with organizational goals, ultimately leading to a...
3 min read
Short-Term Thinking Is a Death Knell in a Tight Economy
Educating employees about profit drivers—volume, price, and cost—transforms them into active participants in the company's success. Supporting long-term growth even in economic downturns. Changing Your Thinking Do your employees know how they impact...
2 min read
Processes as A Path to Innovation
Processes are often viewd as barriers to creativity. But the opposite is true. A well-designed process is a jumping point for optimization and innovation. The Benefits of Process Processes are often viewed as necessary evils. They’re seen as...
3 min read
How Financial Leadership Can Support Your Growing Business
Fractional CFOs offer a strategic, cost-effective solution for businesses who need high-level financial expertise. Without the commitment to a full-time executive, they aid in managing growth, navigating complexity, and preparing for major financial...

3 min read

Why Meeting Structure Matters

Nobody likes meetings. Many people feel most of the meetings they attend could’ve been an email. They lacked direction and resolved little to nothing. It feels as though the team meets just to meet.

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4 min read

What is The Point of Coaching?

Business owners struggle with blind spots. We all do. Coaching provides support by offering fresh perspectives and insights that owners might miss because they're too close to the problem. These resources help owners balance their workload,...

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Tablet Graph Forecast

3 min read

Overcoming Forecasting Challenges in Business: A Strategy for Identifying and Addressing Blind Spots

Blind spots have a significant impact on a business’s ability to predict challenges. Fixing this issue requires interconnected understanding, effective communication, and strategic planning to enhance forecasting abilities.

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Business Team Strategizing

2 min read

Exit Readiness: Why It Matters at Every Stage

Preparing for exit not only positions a company for a successful future sale but also enhances current operational efficiency, strategic decision-making, and team strength, supporting overall growth and resilience.

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Empty Conference room

3 min read

A Missed Opportunity: Manager Development

Neglecting the development of managers is a high stakes game. Developed managers contribute to improved team performance, higher employee engagement, and overall business success

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Business Meeting

3 min read

The Power of Role Clarity: Creating an Unstoppable Team

There are many potential causes for a lack of clarity within a team. A lack of role clarity is a frequent culprit. A collaborative role design process enhances efficiency, engagement, and alignment with organizational goals,ultimately leading to a...

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Post-it Notes Lined Up

3 min read

Short-Term Thinking Is a Death Knell in a Tight Economy

Educating employees about profit drivers—volume, price, and cost—transforms them into active participants in the company's success. Supporting long-term growth even in economic downturns.

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2 min read

Processes as A Path to Innovation

Processes are often viewd as barriers to creativity. But the opposite is true. A well-designed process is a jumping point for optimization and innovation.

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3 min read

How Financial Leadership Can Support Your Growing Business

Fractional CFOs offer a strategic, cost-effective solution for businesses who need high-level financial expertise. Without the commitment to a full-time executive, they aid in managing growth, navigating complexity, and preparing for major financial...

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Working with a Fractional CFO

Learn how Fractional CFOs can bring the insight and clarity you need to make good decisions from a panel of Fractional CFOs.

Exploring Peer Groups

Learn more about peer groups and how they can support you from a panel of chairs and facilitators from some of the largest peer groups in the nation. 

Becoming a Peer Group Leader

Learn from a panel of executives from some of the top peer groups to speak about their models and how to become a chair with their groups.

Start with a


3 min read
Why Meeting Structure Matters
4 min read
What is The Point of Coaching?
2 min read
Exit Readiness: Why It Matters at Every Stage